Wednesday 10 December 2014

Blog Log Decemeber 10th 2014 ( First Block )

What did we do?
- For the majority of the whole class, we marked our " Plot Diagram" retest. After we had finished marking our fellow classmate's work, we moved on to discussing about how the week was going to be planned out. We ended up finishing class with silent reading our Lit Circle novels to be ready for our last Lit Circle discussion on Friday. Some of us had already finished reading our books, therefore had already started their Self Responses
Why did we do it ?
-Well we had to get our test marked, and Ms.Lees would take a longer time to mark it by herself than our whole class doing it, so we marked them to get them handed in faster. We started reading our novels to get a head start on our Lit Circle Self Responses.
Reflections/Connections ( How will this help us outside of Humanities ?)
- This isn't exactly helpful to our life outside of school. I did learn that having a head start on something ( for example reading our novels today) will give us a lesser time to finish our homework and have more time for our lives outside of school.
Homework Reminders
- Our paragraph outlines and samples are due on Friday
- Finish your Blog Log
- Finish your discussion for Friday
-Find and finish your 3 things ( one worded ) that you think you should improve on and state and create reasons why you think you should improve on these ( Due Friday).
Homework Tips and Hints
- Check the blog daily
- Use your agendas to help remind you with homework
- Writing your reminders on your hands isn't the safest way however it has reminded me to finish/do homework!
-Ask your homework buddies !

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