Thursday 11 December 2014

3 words

                                3 words

My name is Ryan and I am a grade 8 student , Ms Lees is my humanities teacher and these are my 3 words .

-       Skill
-       Focus
-       Brave

I chose my first word “skill” because I’m in the basketball team right now. We are going to play against tier 1 which is the better team. It’s going to be hard for us, I don’t want to loose. I don’t want to slow my team down, I want to be able to get points when I suppose to get it.

The second word is “focus”. I chose this word because I want to start focusing on what I’m doing . For example, sometime I lose focus on what I’m doing so I’ll not be able know what we just did.

                The last word I chose is being “brave”. I’m a really shy boy who is scared of lots of things. I want to be brave enough that I’m not scare when I’m doing the wright thing. For instance, there was a time where I’m so shy to ask question that I don’t understand.

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